It is a machine for mounting both locks and hinges, fully pneumatic, and suitable for various sizes of boxes and various wood thicknesses..
Adjustments are made quickly and easily thanks to the thirty years of experience our company now has in the application of locks, hinges, handles and more in the field of luggage and boxes in general. Over the years our company has been able to address and resolve in the best possible way all the application difficulties that can arise for the various types of wood used and the needs of customers
Our machines comply with the strict regulations on safety, and are equipped with a double start button and a certified safety valve.
Il comando della macchina avviene senza dover tenere la scatola e il coperchio, quindi in tutta sicurezza e comodità.
The mechanical control is done without having to keep the box and the cover, thus in safety and comfort. The machine is supplied with moulds for mounting locks, hinges and fittings. These moulds together with the particular construction of the machine and that of our locks and hinges mean the fittings can be inserted on even very hard wood (such as multi-layer) that is very thick (12 mm or more).

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